Four Sages of a World! (3)

"Do you really think that the power of a weakling can shake my Immortal Spirit World?"

As Dang Wuyou shouted loudly, someone in the distance responded. Then, he activated endless demonic light and rushed towards the battle line of the Heavenly Mystic World.

The demonic army of the Immortal Spirit World!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the frontline of Heavenly Mystic.

Just as Dang Wuyou had said, a weakling could not stop an absolute expert.

Hundreds of millions of Heavenly Mystic Red Flame Army soldiers formed a fiery red battle formation, fully resisting the No Resentment Realm Army that had turned into a black devil army.

However, the Red Flame Army could not deal with a demonic Sage leading a hundred thousand demonic troops.

The monstrous demonic flames were about to turn the void into a boundless demon nest before they arrived.