The Nine-Story Sword Pavilion, with a Glance Transcending Time and Space (2)

Not killing me?

The sword cultivator left in a daze. After walking dozens of feet away, he even looked back.

Han Muye checked. Sure enough, the sword that had been watered with Qi and blood had a life force.

He looked around and smiled.


The long sword in his hand turned into endless sword light and rushed into the distance.

Outside the Sword Pavilion, Xu Chuanhe and a few old men in green robes stood side by side.

All of their expressions were very solemn.

Around the Sword Pavilion, many disciples of the Six Stalwart Pavilion injected their strength into it to help the Sword Pavilion operate.

Due to the death of its master, the power of this six-story Sword Pavilion was slowly collapsing.

Without the support of external forces, it would have collapsed long ago.