Grass Whip, Divine General of the Divine Court

Legend had it that in ancient times, there was a tree that reached the sky. It was rooted in the Nine Earths and its crown covered the Nine Heavens.

This Sky Reaching Tree was the top treasure of the wood lineage in the world. A single leaf could nurture a world.

The power of all the wood lineages was closely related to the Sky Reaching Tree.

It could be said that the Sky Reaching Tree was the progenitor of the wood lineage power in the world.

Holding the branch that was less than three feet tall, Han Muye could feel the thick and mighty power of the wood lineage.

This power was almost boundless.


A loud bang sounded, and a magnificent scene appeared in Han Muye's mind.

Branches that supported the sky and leaves that covered the sky.

A sword light slashed down, and a branch landed in the void, shattering countless stars.

A figure wrapped in divine light reached out and caught the tree branch.