Immortal Treasure! (2)


Behind him, a few powerful beings from the Immortal Spirit World chased after him. They landed behind him, causing spiritual qi to surge.

They were not in a hurry. They just hung on.

As long as Han Muye could not hold on, it would be his death.

All the Heavenly Mystic Realm experts had tense expressions as they followed closely behind Han Muye.

If not for the prestige Han Muye had built up these days, their mentality would have collapsed long ago.

Instead of fleeing with all his might, he was flying with such a huge star. How could he escape?

In the void, Han Muye flew ahead with a star.

Ten thousand Heaven Realm experts followed behind him.

Behind them was an endless army of Immortal Spirits and several sages.

The chase lasted for three days.

By the third day, even the observing Dao Ancestors could sense that something was amiss.

Han Muye's speed did not slow down at all.