Han Muye's Last Resort

Heaven Realm.

The Heaven Realm figures of the Immortal Spirit World quietly appeared.

If it was just Heaven Realm cultivators, it would be fine. Countless military formations appeared on the flying ships one after another, occupying the surrounding void.

"I knew that someone would definitely come to the Heavenly Mystic, but I didn't expect it to be you." Looking at Han Muye, Sun Youdao smiled.

"Minister Heavenly Mystic, you've already wreaked havoc in my Immortal Spirit twice. How dare you come again?

"Who gave you the courage?"

Sun Youdao smiled and waved his hand. The army surrounded Han Muye and the people around him.

At this moment, everyone in the Heavenly Mystic looked extremely solemn.

This was a battle between two worlds. It did not matter whose cultivation level was higher or whose combat strength was stronger.

In front of an army, even Saints could not withstand the combined attack of a military formation.