The Third Immortal Treasure, Dark Jade Saber

Han Muye finally understood why this senior of the Sword Pavilion was able to go crazy and go beyond the world of the Heavenly Mystic back then.

This guy was an adventurous lunatic.

Mo Shenghua was actually bold enough to plunder even the main star of the Immortal Spirit World.

However, Han Muye liked immortal treasures too!

If there was really a way to quickly transform a Golden Core into a Heaven Realm cultivator on Immortal Spirit Star, he would not be polite.

The flying ship turned around and sped away.

In the void, the Dao Ancestors who witnessed it did not know where Han Muye was going. They only used their divine senses to investigate and follow him.

In today's battle, the faces of these Dao Ancestors who witnessed the competition of the Dao were all lost. Han Muye controlled the immortal treasures with immortal qi and directly repelled their power for thousands of miles.