Seeing That You Are Fated, The Divine Emperor's Sword Is For You (2)

How ironic were the words 'immortality ascension'!


The broken sword seemed to sense the anger and hatred in Han Muye's heart and began to tremble.

The surrounding void began to change.

The green stone platform collapsed. All the immortal qi spun and turned into a vortex.

Terror Beasts appeared one after another.

In the void, the immortal qi tore apart all the spiritual herbs and fruits in the surroundings. Then it pulled the power within and turned into chains that sealed the void for thousands of miles.

In front of Han Muye, the chains intertwined with the jade bones and spiritual herbs. Then the Terror Beasts fused with the power of death and turned into faceless soldiers holding long sabers.

"Secret Guards of the Divine Court!" Sword Venerable Yuan Tian exclaimed with a solemn expression.