The Deal with the Spiritual Armored Demons

Those cultivators who found treasures in the Divine Court's treasure vault and were preparing to seclude themselves in a remote place found that there was no peace in the entire void.

No matter where they hid, he would be found and forced to submit.

If they didn't submit, they would be attacked immediately.

There was no way out.

At this moment, everyone finally felt what it meant to fight for the Dao.

At this moment, the Heavenly Mystic's Zhihu's sword formation displayed an overwhelming dominance that made people unable to face it directly.

The 15th on the Heavenly Rankings, Dao Lord Xuanyu, who was in the realm of a sage of the Mystic Dao Sect in the Upper Three Heavens, and his 300 elite disciples were besieged on a dead star.

If they did not surrender for three days, the sword formation would kill them and destroy the world.