The Final Battle of Dao Struggle (9)

"Kid, what you said, would lead me to see the emperor."

A bloody aura surged from Cao Yi's body.

Han Muye nodded and waved his hand, saying, "Imperial Uncle, don't worry. Since I've brought you to the Heavenly Mystic, naturally, you can see the Divine Emperor."

A gleam flashed in Cao Yi's eyes, and he nodded, looking ahead.

At this moment, the powerful experts from the Upper Three Heavens had already retreated.

The initial ambush had turned into a head-on clash, and no one was willing to directly fight against this Endless army.

Many people had already recognized that the army in front of them came from beyond the dam.

The battle between the Immortal Source World and the forces beyond the dam was not a one or two-time occurrence.

The strength of the army beyond the dam was far beyond what the Immortal Source World could handle.