It's All Business (2)

"The Medicine Valley has always been peaceful, and Junior Sister likes it, so naturally, I like it too."


There's nothing special about the Medicine Valley, just its tranquility.

Now, while the Cloud Heaven Medicine Valley is stirring up various forces, Han Muye says it's peaceful here?

Guan Yu's eyes sparkled, nodding as he picked up the tea cup in front of him.

Good tea.

"This tea—"

Guan Yu's gaze turned towards Han Muye.

"It's called Sword Heart, illuminating the clarity of the sword's intent, nurturing the essence of countless swords."

"A catty for ten million spiritual rocks, however much you want." Han Muye said casually.

Guan Yu's hand holding the tea cup trembled imperceptibly.

Everything was different from what he had expected.

He had come here because Dan Mingtao left with a sullen face.

He was interested in Han Muye.