The Grass Whip Reappears (2)

The Sky Reaching Tree fell to the ground, unleashing an enveloping spiritual power.

The grayish-black worms dissipated one by one, and those phantoms gradually disappeared.

Cultivators wearing long robes, ordinary mortals dressed in plain clothes, and various creatures appeared, bowing to the wooden branch, and then completely vanishing.

These were the beings whose souls had been devoured, imprisoned, and controlled by the Jade Conch.

Although they had long perished and died, they were still under control, unable to escape.

Now, they could finally be considered truly liberated.

"Senior brother, will they be able to come back?" Mu Wan looked at these dispersing souls, finally understanding where her previous sorrow came from when she witnessed the scenery of 10,000 years ago dissipating.

The passing of all life carried a poignant melancholy.

"They'll come back again." Han Muye nodded.