Stepping into the Five Sheep Pavilion to Catch Sheep

The Sword Pavilion, the number one martial arts sect in the Upper Three Heavens, a holy land of swordsmanship in the world.

There was still a long way to go from the mountain gate to the grand hall where the peak of power was.

However, Zhao Yu arrived at the magnificent and splendid grand hall, with its flying eaves and towering corners resembling a celestial city, in just 15 minutes.

It was because he had a piece of green jade token in his hand.

This was the token for authorized disciples to control the sword, and in the entire sect, only a few elite disciples had this plaque, apart from the elder-level figures.

"Senior brother, Zhao Yu has arrived with the Sword Control Token. Returning it." In front of the 99 green jade steps, Zhao Yu bowed respectfully, holding the jade token in his hands and presenting it.

He was just an ordinary inner sect deacon disciple. How could he be qualified to wield this Sword Control Token?