Returning to Medicine Valley, Ten Years of Cultivation (2)

Du Chengshan and others were instigating and exerting their dominance outside, all to prevent various forces from having the time to target the Five Sheep Pavilion.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned.

Who could have anticipated that beyond the Upper Three Heavens, there was another Heavenly Mystic faction and Prime Minister Han plotting against him?

"You want my Five Sheep Pavilion?

"Let's see whether Prime Minister Han is qualified for such ambitions."

Gong Qi snorted coldly and stepped back. The spiritual radiance on his body merged with that of the surrounding cultivators, and the dim light array on him lit up.

Within a vast radius, a curtain of light formed a net, various treasures floated in mid-air, harmonizing with the light array and emanating boundless power, all crashing towards Han Muye.

Mu Wan raised her hand and the whip grass appeared in her palm.

Han Muye shook his head and raised the sword in his hand.