Two Swords, Slaying the Mighty Figure

Han Muye could never have imagined that he would see the third Nine Essence Sword Tower so quickly.

Before him stood a black-faced general dressed in golden armor, wielding a long sword that shimmered with brilliance. A golden sword tower hung high in the air, surging with sword intent.

The nine-story sword tower radiated layers of sword light.

"General Yangwei, Shao Yuan."

Han Muye's gaze landed on the general, his eyes revealing a profound depth.

"So, it was you who took action when the Divine Court collapsed."

General Yangwei, Shao Yuan, was a direct disciple of the Divine Emperor Murong Zheng. With a sword tower in his hand and command over a large army, if he were in the Divine Court, he could have held out for at least a moment.

If the Divine Court had a moment of respite back then, they could have awaited reinforcements.

However, this General Yangwei's body was now in the Endless Sea.