One Person, Ten Thousand Swords, Ten Thousand Techniques

With a sword in hand, sword light gathered, and the nine-story sword tower behind him floated in the air.

Han Muye faced tens of thousands of phantoms with a sword and a tower.


Sword light rose, the sound of sword chants echoed.

Han Muye's sword vibrated, and every long sword in the hands of the illusions vibrated as well.

Endless sword light converged into a river, booming and bursting, like a waterfall of stars pouring down from the sky.

Han Muye stood in the center of the million-zhang battle platform, the golden nine-layered sword tower revolving above his head, and sword light scattered around.

With his sword in hand, he unleashed a roaring torrent of sword light.

Han Muye sat down slowly, releasing his grip on the sword handle, suspended in front of him.

His eyes closed, and around him, all the long swords collided with the illusions.

Each sword represented a sword technique.