Red Sandalwood Stone Marrow, Nine-Death Insects in Flames

In the past month, the caravans entering and leaving Sanhuo City seemed to have no significant changes, but as Han Muye had said, there were indeed more small caravans from the nearby area.

However, there were hardly any caravans traveling long distances of millions of miles.

And even if there were, many of them had unfamiliar faces.

Normally, these caravans should be composed of experienced merchants who were accustomed to traveling the trade routes.

"Are they really targeting Sanhuo City?" Zhao Chen whispered, looking at Han Muye.

"There are also several strong individuals residing in Sanhuo City. Should we inform them first?" he asked.

Although this news was shocking, it was better than doing nothing.

Han Muye nodded and said, "You can report what you have observed along the way and make some speculations.

"As for whether the Gale Bandits have any intentions towards Sanhuo City, only they know."