I'll Give You a Chance to Die a Glorious Death in Battle

Out of Body realm!

The three Out of Body realm Gale Bandits stood in front of the insect that had gone through nine deaths in the raging flames. With their black blades, they swung down with full force.


Explosions erupted as flames burst forth. The three souls trembled and were pushed back 30 feet, while the insect, having flames surging from its head, let out a painful roar and retreated.

With the insect's roar, flames soared throughout the city.

The underground fire veins surged, and the giant smelting furnaces that had been pressed down at the mouth of the underground fire instantaneously shattered.

At this moment, the entire city was enveloped in dense smoke and intertwining flames. Rolling torrents of fire ignited one building after another.


The ground collapsed one after another, and flames soared into the sky. Distorted Nine-Death Insects rushed out.

Not just one, but at least 20!