The Beginning of the Rise of the Immortal World, Yunlan Town

Speculations arose, but no one could say what it was exactly.

Han Muye slowly got up and walked to the attic window.

"The blue represents the surrounding small towns, the green represents the gathering places of various small forces, and the gold represents the confirmed mineral deposits in various locations."

Han Muye looked down and spoke slowly.

He had compiled information about the surrounding forces from those swords and transformed it into a detailed map.

With this map as a reference, he could do many things.

Han Muye's gaze landed on Hu Liaochi. "The red represents the forces of the Green Wolf Clan and other powers I intend to expel and eliminate.

"In one month, I want these red dots to disappear."

Within a radius of 100,000 miles, these nearly 100 red dots had to vanish.

The expressions on many people's faces turned into fear.

Each of these red dots represented a power stronger than Yunlan Town itself.