The Allegiance of the Gale Bandits, the Thunder Robber, Sixth Master Qin

Yunlan was home.

Did Immortal cultivators have homes?

They had.

There were very few itinerant cultivators who had no one to rely on. Most cultivators either had the backing of sects or family clans, so they could always gather some forces.

However, in front of a large faction, a faction of three to five Heaven Realms and seven to eight Human Immortals was completely insufficient.

Just like those trading companies, they seemed to be quite famous among the small forces and controlled many resources.

However, in front of a large faction, these trading companies were only tools.

Countless small factions could only hang below large sects and be outer sects, exchanging their cultivation and lives for some resources.

These small factions and low-level cultivators seemed to have no home.

But after today, things seemed to be different.