Iron Armor War Sect, Grand Formation (4)

According to the divine sense communication, Wu Changhe knew that Ziye's clan had encountered a great calamity and that the entire clan had almost been wiped out.

The strongest among them fought against powerful enemies with all their might, eventually being gravely injured and falling in battle. The rest of the tribe members were also slaughtered, and in a critical moment, Ziye managed to escape with the protection of fellow tribe members.

This was because it carried the bloodline of the clan's strongest member within its womb.

"In these years, due to its inability to exert its own combat strength and the fact that many within the sect coveted its unborn offspring, I brought it here to this wasteland."

Wu Changhe explained with a complex expression on his face.

He couldn't protect Ziye's three children.

If they returned to the sect, these three cubs would inevitably be handed over to the sect and then distributed elsewhere.