My Hometown is in Hulun Bai'er

Stepping into the Bitter Immortal Realm, Han Muye was immediately shaken to his core.

The vast and boundless aura of desolation struck him, causing the power in his veins to tremble.

The phantom of the Kui behind him appeared and faded.

The Baxia bloodline hidden deep in his body quietly stretched out and absorbed a trace of Heaven and Earth powers.

The Heaven and Earth powers in the Bitter Immortal Realm actually had traces of the ancient primordial era.

"How is that possible?" wondered the Divine Lords.


Han Muye squinted his eyes.

Unless this was once the Grotto-heaven of a Primordial mighty figure who fell here.

This also explained why there were traces of primordial power here and why there were so many demons here.

Ahead, flying demonic beasts intercepted. Han Muye's figure moved, shaking them off.

In the sky and on the ground, chaotic battles between demonic beasts could be seen everywhere.