The Legacy of an Immortal Lord, Meeting Golden Immortal Ye Ming Again (3)

The serpent's sinister nature was evident.

"There is also a Nine Spirit Demon King who can create eight avatars. He is already one of the top figures among the Demon Kings of the Bitter Immortal Realm. I wonder why such powerful beings would submit to Heaven Immortal Xiang Tian."

Nalan Xun murmured, shaking his head lightly.

Although the Demon Clan was versatile and could take on various forms, they still couldn't get close to the true powerhouses and uncover the secrets of the Demon Kings.

Eight clones?

Could it possibly be nine clones?

Han Muye squinted his eyes.

Ancient Spirit Foxes could also have nine tails and nine lives, but they couldn't be considered powerhouses among divine beasts.

To become a strong Demon King in the Bitter Immortal Realm, it would require the bloodline of the Nine Infants.

Ancient ferocious beasts, nine heads and nine bodies.