Heaven Immortal Demon King Xiang Tian Dies (4)

He fused the nine ancient bloodline powers into one and transformed them into a powerful bloodline.

Han Muye raised his hand, and a ball of golden-red blood appeared in his palm.

Azure Dragon bloodline.

He extracted the Azure Dragon bloodline from Golden Immortal Ye Ming.

As long as this item was fused into the cauldron, the bloodline in the cauldron would complete the fusion and turn into a powerful bloodline pill.

Swallowing this pill would grant the bloodline power, allowing one to directly step into the Golden Immortal realm and be constantly nurtured, then transcending the Zenith Heaven and surpassing the Immortal Lord realms. There would be no limit.

As long as the bloodline power was integrated.

Furthermore, other bloodlines could be integrated in the future, continuously improving and replacing it.