Immortal Burial City (3)

No wonder the things here never sold. Who would be willing to spend millions of spirit stones to buy mountains of scrap?

Only someone like Han Muye, with an endless fortune and the ability to view memories in swords, would take these things.

Having cleared the shop, Han Muye didn't linger any longer and turned to leave.

By the time he reached the center of the hall, there were no more shopkeepers around Zhao Chen.

However, the shopkeepers who had surrounded Zhao Chen were not in the hall. They seemed to have left.

"Brother, is everything settled?" Zhao Chen, holding two storage bags, smiled and looked at Han Muye, raising his hand to hand over the bags.

Was the deal already negotiated?

Han Muye reached out to take the storage bag and frowned.

The storage bag he had given Zhao Chen before, containing 80 billion spirit stones, was now missing less than ten percent.