Immortal Burial City (10)

Numerous black 100-foot-tall battle puppets were stationed on the city walls, interspersed with cultivators.

These cultivators emitted dim immortal light, dressed in various shattered armors, wielding weapons or magical treasures, surrounded by an aura of bloodthirst.

Each strike was executed with the utmost efficiency.

Beyond the city walls, there were phantoms.

These figures seemed ethereal, reminiscent of the ancient demons Han Muye had seen before.

However, it was evident that these void creatures were far more formidable than those ancient demons.

Each phantom flew as swift as the wind, its long claws leaving brilliant trails on the city walls with every flash.

Such a strike, if in the immortal realm, could rupture space, at the very least comparable to a Void Refinement Realm attack.

These powerful phantoms were densely packed beyond the city walls, countless in number.