First in Merit, Fight Again!

One strike to stab an Immortal Lord!

Immortal Lord Assassin!

A sword cultivator who was only a Heaven Immortal used his sword to stab an Immortal Lord!

It was like an ant raising its arms to challenge an elephant.

The strength didn't matter; the key was that a humble ant raised its arms against a colossal elephant.

This was provocation!

This concerned the dignity of an Immortal Lord!

The sword light only pierced out for a thousand feet before turning into nothingness.



A violent shout.

A sword light flashed, illuminating the world!

The sword in the Immortal Lord Zi Yu's hand pierced through the sky and tore through the void!

Han Muye had already challenged him by drawing his sword. As Han Muye's elder, how could he possibly wait?

If he didn't draw his sword, would he wait until Han Muye was killed and suppressed?

He had said that he would keep Han Muye alive.