Killing an Immortal Lord! (2)

The cultivators on the city wall were already speechless.

There were heaven-breaking crossbows on the city wall of the Immortal Burial City.

And there were quite a few of them, at least 10,000.

But they were spread out to defend the entire city wall, with only one every few hundred miles.

This crossbow was worth at least 30 million spiritual rocks.

The key reason for the rarity of this item was that the process of refining it was difficult, and it was not commonly used. In the Immortal World, only a few major refining sects knew the method of crafting it.

In the past, the three Wasteland regions and a few large cities would purchase dozens or hundreds of them every few hundred years.

There was another reason why this treasure was rarely used. That crossbow bolt that could cut through the void cost a million spiritual rocks.