Leaving the City, Breaking the Refinement Immortal Array (2)

Looking around, the Daoist cupped his hands and whispered to Han Muye, "Sword Immortal, please follow me."

He led Han Muye out of the city tower and flew for hundreds of thousands of miles before stopping by a hillside where smoke and fireworks were rising.

"I heard from Chu Qi that Sword Immortal Yun Lan is here to visit. We'll welcome him." On the hill in front of them, two old men in white robes chuckled and cupped their hands.

"I'm Chu Zhaoyang, and this is Chu Zhentong, the Grand Elder of the Chu Yuan Tribe."

The old man on the left raised his hand.

Han Muye nodded and cupped his hands. Then a golden light flashed in his palm.

As this light flashed, the two old men on the opposite side widened their eyes.

On Han Muye's body, a power belonging to the Demon Luo clan, but superior to the Demon Luo clan, surged.

It was the power that once made Zhu Ling bow directly.