Immortal Burial City

Attack together!

Two Immortal Lords attacking together?

Everyone present watched in astonishment as Han Muye, holding a long sword, challenged the two Immortal Lords.

A Heaven Immortal wielding a long sword faced the two Immortal Lords and challenged them!

If it were someone else, anywhere else, a flick of an Immortal Lord's finger would have crushed this Immortal into submission.

But today, Han Muye's sword sent the red-armored Immortal Lord flying and his dominating aura intimidated everyone.

"This guy is already so powerful…" Immortal Lord Tu Tian muttered as he watched Han Muye wield his sword in mid-air.

Immortal Lord Tie He beside him also showed a hint of surprise.

He looked at his junior disciple who had grown to become incredibly powerful.

This feeling was a mix of pride and a touch of frustration.

On the other side, Immortal Lord Yang Yu and the others looked shocked and regretful.
