Nether River Ferry (2)

There were also outsiders on the island. After paying the price, they were extradited to the island and waited to go to the Holy City.

These people could only rest in a ringed stone house.

Han Muye had gone to take a look. Most of them were demonic cultivators who were nearing the end of their lifespan or whose cultivation had cut off their future.

There were also two cultivators among them who looked old.

These people were extremely envious that Han Muye could walk nonchalantly, casually, and indifferently on the island.

"Brother, didn't you want to know how the Soul Grinding Banner was refined?"

"Let's go. Ke Xue has already agreed to show it to you."

When he appeared again, Huang Six looked energetic. He pulled Han Muye's sleeve and left.

When he reached the top stone house on the island, Han Muye saw a huge stone platform in the middle.

On the stone platform, a pair of greenish-gray transparent wings unfolded.