Patriarch Tao Ran, It's Been a Long Time (3)

Apart from Yu Wen, there were two other elders with different appearances.

Among them was the elderly man with prominent fangs who had a great appreciation for Huang Six.

The old man's name was Qu Qian, and he was the chief elder in charge of the Holy City, presiding over this ferry on the Nether River.

Each boat on the Nether River had a chief elder in charge.

According to Han Muye's senses, Qu Qian's cultivation level was not low, but the combat strength of the Nether River Ferryman could not be measured by the strength of his cultivation level.

The group entered the small city and arrived at the stone fort in the city.

More than a dozen experts of the Nether River Ferrymen gathered. After exchanging pleasantries, they began to trade.

"I didn't gain much this time, only a few blood marrow beads." A white-bearded elder smiled and opened his palm. There were three jade-colored beads emitting red light.