Mastery of the Power of Calamity, Rules! (3)

Who would believe that a spell could be cast on the Nether River?

The blood-colored river water in his palm turned into red clouds and dissipated.

These river waters had already been refined by Han Muye.

Previously, it took a long time to refine a drop of river water. Now, this group of river water had instantly merged into his body.

Without further experimenting with this change in power, he walked slowly towards the deck.

There were very few people on the ship. Most of them were still on Xuanming Island and had not returned.

Huang Six and the others were not around either.

Not far away, an old man in a green-gray Daoist robe with a trace of black demonic light lingering around him saw Han Muye and said in a low voice, "Brother Han, Sixth Brother is fighting with someone. Why aren't you cheering?"

A ring fight?

A trace of surprise flashed across Han Muye's face.

Sixth Brother had time for this?