Suppressing the Holy City Alone, Meeting Li Mubai Again

On the head of the 30,000-meter-tall Dragon Sculpture Beast, Han Muye stood tall.

One person, one beast, facing a city, there was actually a feeling of overwhelming dominance in the air.

"Who is this?" Someone in the city looked at Han Muye in fear and whispered.

Many people quietly moved out of the city.

Was there really someone in the world who could suppress the Holy City alone at the level of the powerful Dao?

The surging qi and blood power on the Dragon Sculpture Beast's body made one's body freeze even through layers of light screens.

If this beast charged into the city, who knew how many people would die in one strike.

On the city wall, the expressions of the ferrymen and elders of the Nether River Holy City changed. For a moment, they did not know how to answer.

Such a lineup was just to come knocking on the door to collect debts?