God Slayer, Primordial Battle Puppets (4)

Every item's price was twice as high as elsewhere, so this trip was sure to be profitable.

Old Zhu understood tacitly and took out a small jade box.

This time, the Divine General finally nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand, saying, "Go, be careful, the battles over there are fierce."

Han Muye smiled, cupped his hands in a polite gesture, and then activated the flying ship to rush into the teleportation array.

A golden light enveloped the flying ship, just like the previous teleportation. The void outside the flying ship turned into nothingness with endless flowing light.

But this time, Han Muye didn't remain inactive as in the past.

As the flying boat gradually stabilized, he raised his hand, and numerous stored divine lightning bolts fell into the teleportation array.