Entering the Heavenly Abyss (4)

What Zhao Chen looked down upon, they considered treasures.

These swords were standard and very suitable for formation.

Even if they couldn't compare to spirit treasures, with long-term nurturing, they could still be promoted to magic treasures.

In just a moment, the surroundings were filled with cheers.

Who would have thought that after just surrendering, they could immediately receive a magic treasure sword?

This made those cultivators who chose to flee and didn't join the Phoenix Forest Stronghold deeply regretful.

The Phoenix Forest Stronghold was definitely not the same as before.

With just this gesture, it was not something any other stronghold could match.

"All right, form up behind the flying ship."

A voice came from the Void on the flying ship of the Guyang Gang.

The flying ship trembled and began to move forward.

Behind the flying ship, streaks of golden light rained down.