Rules? Breaking into the Fourth Floor!

A battle against an Immortal Lord!

No one expected the people from the Cloud Dragon Pavilion to attack an Immortal Lord.


The white tiger pounced, accompanied by countless sword lights.

Cao Qiujian's expression became extremely ugly.

As a dignified Immortal Lord, he was challenged by juniors in the third level of Ten Thousand Magnificence City.

This was a disgrace. He would become a laughing stock!


Cao Qiujian roared, soaring into the air. A golden long banner in his hand emitted a flickering virtual light, and blood-red spears shot out directly from the banner.


The long spears collided with the white tiger, causing the void to explode.

The spears shattered the white tiger's body, and Huang Zhihu retreated uncontrollably.

The 20,000 sword cultivators below were shaken.

The spears chased after Huang Zhihu.