Rules? Breaking into the Fourth Floor! (3)

The Zhenyang Building was one of the most powerful forces on the entire fourth floor.

Some were puzzled, some were eager, and some were curious.

Countless divine senses and streams of light followed behind Huang Zhihu, heading towards Zhenyang Building.

At this moment, in the entire fourth floor, many major forces already knew about this disturbance and the reasons behind it.

On a high platform, an old man in a black robe smiled and said in a low voice, "Is it the sword cultivator faction that killed Immortal Lord Yuan She last time?"

He exuded the illusionary aura that only immortal powerhouses possessed.

"That's right. The last time an Elder died in Zhenyang Building was related to these sword cultivators.

"Some people speculate that these sword cultivators are probably related to Yang Dingtian of the Scarlet Flame Sword Sect."

A green-robed elder spoke in a low voice.