You Know Too Much (2)

There were countless experts everywhere, and no one was a fool.

It was said that the Fourth Layer had no rules, but weren't the disciples of Immortal Venerable Chen Yuan of Ten Thousand Magnificence City, who wielded both judgment and the strongest power, the rules themselves?

Once the disciples of Immortal Venerable chose sides, the outcome was basically predetermined.

"I thought I would witness a great show, but it's a pity," a powerful Immortal Lord sighed as the blood energy on his body slowly converged, stepping back.

Many others made the same choice.

Since the Immortal Venerable disciple who controlled the power of Ten Thousand Magnificence City had made their choice, there was no suspense in this battle.


Above Immortal Lord Zhenyang's head, the golden hammer shimmered with intertwined golden lights, and divine patterns flickered as it smashed once again towards the cauldron above Huang Zhihu's head.