Great Desolate, Golden Crow! (2)

Although the killing continued, the Ten Thousand Magnificence Immortal Dynasty's strength continued to increase by harnessing the power of heaven and earth to refine itself.

In the midst of this killing, the first to bear the brunt was the Golden Crow clan.

For tens of thousands of years, the Golden Crow clan, which once spread across the Great Desolate, was now less than one-tenth of its prime.

With the awakening of the Golden Crow clan's bloodline becoming rarer, and fewer strong individuals, their influence in the Great Desolate was diminishing.

The glory of the past was now almost nonexistent.


Behind Han Muye, the virtual shadow of the Golden Crow slowly transformed from a greenish-gray to a pale red.

The cultivation of the Great Desolate was extremely ancient and simple, whether it was bloodline power or the transmission of magical arts..