Great Sun Golden Crow Heaven Breaking Fist, True Spirit Bone (5)

"A hundred years of broken jade flowers, the ancient ge vine with abundant medicinal power, and the thousand-year jade twin branches…

"It does have a good healing effect. It's not a fatal blow that kills with one hit. As long as it doesn't harm the soul, it can be treated.

"It's just a waste to refine such pills with so many top-grade spirit medicines."

Putting away the pills, Han Muye gripped the black beast bone.

Upon closer inspection, a faint jade light could be seen flickering in the beast bone.

It looked similar to the appearance of a Heaven Realm jade bone, but the power contained in the bone was many times more profound and pure than a jade bone.

"True Spirit Bone."

This was the bone of a True Spirit Realm demon.

As a faint essence spirit power was infused into the palm, a deep roar emanated from the beast bone, and the phantom of a black tiger, 20 feet tall, appeared.

Black Tiger.