Meeting Zeng Daniu Again (2)

The long saber was made of gold and iron throughout, and although the material was not particularly good, the craftsmanship was much stronger than the long spears crafted by the Green Deer Clan.

However, this long saber didn't have true spirit patterns because its grade wasn't high enough to bear the power of spirit patterns.

The faint essence spirit power entered the long saber, and in Han Muye's mind, scenes appeared one after another.

The place where the long saber was forged was indeed in the Ten Thousand Magnificence Immortal Dynasty.

It was distributed to hunters everywhere.

Hunters everywhere exchanged merits for various cultivation resources by hunting the Golden Crow clan.

Among them, those with outstanding merits could even directly join the Immortal Dynasty army as officials.

"Tiger Leaping Ridge, Daoist Chang Yao," Han Muye said softly and dispersed the power of his essence spirit.