Interception, Ceremony! (2)

He looked up at another human hunter fleeing in the distance.


The black tiger, who had been quietly hiding at some point, suddenly pounced forward and intercepted the sixth-level essence spirit hunter.

The hunter no longer had any fighting spirit. He was killed by the black tiger and fell to the ground. He died after a few struggles.

If he fought with all his might, he might be Black Tiger's match.

However, he was already frightened and did not dare to fight. How could he fight?

Han Muye slowly put away the spear in his hand, and the Golden Crow phantom on his body slowly dissipated.

The light in his eyes did not dissipate at all. He looked at everyone with a hint of coldness and arrogance that upper-level bloodline clans should have.

"Everyone, the human hunters have been exterminated. The Golden Crow Han Mountain and I will not take any of their gains."