Summons, Human Race Grand Army (3)

His hands had been stained with the blood of many tribes from the Great Desolate.

However, at this moment, as they faced a two-million-strong army in the wilderness, it was challenging for the various races of the Primordial World to unite and launch a joint attack.

The two-million-strong army was well-organized, equipped with long spears, battle armor, bows, crossbows, and chariots.

The army moved in an orderly manner.

Such a military formation could not be easily broken through without three to five times the strength.

How could the various clans of the Great Desolate muster a million troops?

If the Great Desolate clans could unite, there would be no chance for the rise of the human immortal dynasty.

This was the army of the Ten Thousand Magnificence Immortal Dynasty.

On the other side, the human army had chariots. The million-strong army all traveled by chariots.