Sun Seizing Event, Human Race? (4)

In this way, among the 180,000 elites entering the Sun Seizing Event, surprisingly, more than half of them were from the human race.

What were these humans trying to do?

"Seal the altar."

He Juyang shouted in a low voice. He raised his hand and a golden light exploded.

The True Spirit above his head surged and turned into a dazzling golden light.

The golden light pressed down on the altar in front of him.

"City Lord He, all the elites of the various tribes are among them. You, what are you doing?" Another true spirit powerhouse widened his eyes.

If he sealed the altar directly, what would happen to the Golden Crow elites who stepped into the altar?

Their numbers were less than half of the human race, and they would surely be unable to resist the enemy's attacks. Once the altar opened, they still had a chance to escape.

Now if the altar was sealed, it was likely that all these people would die inside.