Vast Heaven Golden Crow, True Spirit Bone with a Hundred Divine Patterns (2)

The Golden Crow's secret ground.

A golden stream of light flickered and transformed into a fiery blaze.

A golden stream of light flickered and transformed into a fiery blaze.

Within the pillar of light, a figure sat cross-legged.

Han Muye.

If the true spirits of the human race saw this, they would surely exclaim in astonishment.

Wasn't this seated figure Han Muye, who they thought they had killed?

As the pillar of light dissipated, Han Muye slowly opened his eyes.

His body was unharmed.

Not only was there no damage, but there was also an unusual change in the power of the Golden Crow's bloodline.

Previously, when his bloodline awakened to the Blazing Sun Golden Crow level, he was already an intermediate True Spirit existence.

At this moment, he could feel that his Golden Crow bloodline had reached the peak of the Blazing Sun Golden Crow Realm.

The next level was the Eternal Bright Golden Crow.