Galaxy Universe, Puppet Masters and Armor Masters (3)

Countless Immortal Lords rushed into the Divine Realm.

"Whether or not you can get the chance to cleanse the Cleansing Pool and become an Immortal Venerable will depend on you."

Han Muye shouted and then dissipated.

No one knew where Han Muye had gone.

The Heavenly Cycle Divine Realm merged with the myriad worlds, and countless Immortal Lord powerhouses attacked the Divine Source Heavenly Palace, rendering the Divine Realm powerless to control all sides.

Who could imagine the scene of hundreds of thousands of Immortal Lords assaulting a grand palace?

Who could know how many Immortal Lords there were in the cultivation world?

Who dared to imagine the scene where Immortal Lords, like ants, surged towards the Divine Source Heavenly Palace like a tide?

Ninety percent of the Divine Source Heavenly Palace were shattered.