Master Han

A duel!

Madam He's face changed drastically, and she quickly dashed out.

Her speed was impressive, not inferior to an Earth Realm cultivator.

Obviously, He Yangsun's mother was also a skilled cultivator.

"Judging from the steps, she should be an Armor Master," Han Muye whispered, as the golden bird chirped beside him.

"Level three." The Golden Bead succinctly confirmed.

Han Muye ignored them and stepped out quickly, holding a gold-gray elliptical shell in his hand.

As he passed through the hall, sounds of shouting and clashing came from outside.

On the 100-foot-wide square in front of the wide door, two figures crossed each other.

Wearing green chest armor, He Yangsun wielded a short knife, his movements steady.

Facing him, a big man with a long-handle battle ax staggered, swinging the ax with all his might, barely blocking He Yangsun's knife.