Battle Armor Refined by Han Muye (3)

A young man behind him walked forward and took the arm guard from He Yangsun's hand. Then, he assembled it on the arm of the eight-foot Battle Puppet behind him.

After a few adjustments, the young man named He Futing nodded and said, "Master, my Battle Armor has been repaired."

A dark green badge adorned He Futin's chest.

Level one Puppet Master.

Among the younger generation of the He family, he was a powerhouse.

"Good." He Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, then his expression became solemn as he said, "In this gamble with the Tao family, we've put our last shop at stake. My He family is going all in.

"Futing, you mustn't lose."

He Futing gritted his teeth and nodded, "Master, rest assured, I can definitely win."

After saying that, he glanced at He Yangsun standing at the door.

He Yangsun didn't say anything and turned to leave.