Gambling Match (4)

There were rules even in the gambling matches in Pagoda City.

"Although Young Master Tao Mingzhu of the Tao family has been certified as a first-level armor master, he has not yet received his badge, so he is not considered a first-level armor master at the moment." On the high platform, the man in a blue robe who presided over the judgment bowed to the surroundings and spoke loudly.

Is this acceptable?

The people below the stage looked confused.

Isn't this cheating too obvious?

On the high platform, Tao Mingzhu, who was wearing green armor, had a solemn expression and a hint of redness on his face.

He felt ashamed and embarrassed.

He was the young master of the Tao family, a respected first-level armor master, but now he had to fight against a novice armor master.

It was humiliating.