I'll Watch How the He Family Goes Bankrupt

Patent privileges.

Such refining masters not only had special privileges within the Alliance but also possessed wealth that others didn't.

Every refining master had to pay origin coins to use the refining methods they had created or to refine the Battle Puppets or Battle Armors they had modified.

For one, it wasn't much, but for tens, hundreds, or even millions, it added up.

In addition, these patent privileges remained unchanged for 100,000 years.

With 100,000 years, even the simplest patent was a huge amount of wealth.

Within the Alliance, refining masters with patent privileges were early achievers of financial freedom.

"So, Master Chen Mao is also a master of patents. My apologies." Han Muye bowed to Chen Mao, curiosity evident on his face. "Master Chen, as such a master, surely you wouldn't have nowhere else to go?"

You've achieved financial freedom. Why bother coming to a small place like Pagoda City?